Located in Clyde within the booming City of Casey, Riverfield will be surrounded by exciting amenities, as the area is developed to cater for a growing community.

In the future, Clyde will evolve exponentially, transforming into a suburban hub in its own right as outlined in the Clyde Creek Precinct Structure Plan (PSP). As homes are built and residents move in, amenities planned for the area will also be delivered including a major town centre and transport links. This is very a very exciting prospect for future Riverfield residents, as the community will literally grow with them!

The Clyde Creek Precinct Structure Plan

Development of the area to the west of Riverfield is determined by the Clyde Creek PSP. What is this exactly? The Clyde Creek PSP has been prepared by the Metropolitan Planning Authority (MPA) with the assistance of the City of Casey, Government agencies, service authorities as well as major stakeholders to provide an outline of the planned development and long term growth of this area, outlining land set aside for residential use, schools, community facilities and the like.

On the Horizon

A significant amenity planned for the area is the Clyde Major Town Centre, which will be located next to the potential future Clyde railway station. Multiple activity centres and open space areas are also outlined in the plan, providing extensive usable open space for residents to enjoy. The Clyde Creek PSP also outlines plans for multiple schools in the area, including government and non-government primary and secondary schools. Together these amenities will provide extensive services and facilities within minutes of Riverfield.

Overall, the plan will see to it that Clyde is a place residents are proud to call home, with everything located nearby in order to ensure a connected community.